Worry Less, Live Better

Get the tips and hacks to live a stress-free life.


There’s hard-to-ignore scientific evidence that when you worry, your body takes a beating. Not just your appetite or gut suffers, too. Stress, if uncontrolled, can affect your mental health. However, the body’s ability to deal with stress also comes into play – fight or flight? Whether it’s a critical decision at work or a financial situation to solve, our muscles tense up, our blood pressure increases and sometimes, a headache raises its ugly head.


Our Smart Bodies

Our body is smart enough to deal with stressful situations as we should thank our adrenal system! It produces hormones that allow the body to fully focus on the task at hand, thereby, diverting much-needed energy from daily maintenance to where more important things need to be done.

When you’re tensed up, you’re actually more alert. You also lose appetite to keep you less distracted. Therefore, stress works mysteriously and has a beneficial aim to help you deal with the situation more effectively.


Understanding stress

But one should be mindful that prolonged stress can work the opposite way – putting your healthy immune system and overall well-being at risk. If the hormonal response comes in like an avalanche, more then necessary to deal with a short-term problem, then some people’s bodies cannot cope because the adrenal glands are working overtime, producing cortisol which can harm the body further. There is a purpose for producing cortisol, but it should not be left unchecked as this can lead to chronic stress issues.


What’s cortisol?

As the saying goes “too much of a good thing can be bad”; an overload of cortisol can have serious consequences on overall health, leading to issues such as depression, fatigue, low libido, obesity, impaired memory, aches, pains, getting sick more often, insomnia, high blood pressure to name a few. However, the right amount of cortisol is purposeful in the morning because at its peak, it helps you stay awake, slowly declining through the day. Cortisol also helps to regulate steady blood sugar levels and provides energy to your brain and important neuromuscular system. Don’t snub cortisol because it is actually an anti-inflammatory hormone to prevent tissue and nerve damage commonly associated with inflammation of the body.

When you’re constantly stressed on a daily level, you lose concentration on things that matter to your life – family, work, friends. You can also lose interest in exercising; and you may burn bridges with family members or colleagues because when you’re mentally stressed, you tend to react with knee-jerk responses that turn people off. If you also suffer from sleep deprivation because of stress, then things will get worse. Some people deal with stress by eating foods they love, and this leads to obesity. A mental imbalance should be avoided at all costs and letting stress take hold of your life and overall peace of mind could also result in strokes, muscle degeneration and even a slower speed of healing from wounds or cuts.


Finding relief

Do you know that chiropractic adjustments can bring forth some relief to your everyday stress? Chronic stress should not harm you on a daily basis. The right kind of chiropractic treatments can ease tensed muscles, allowing one to return to a balanced bodily state. With the muscles at ease, then only can the brain be turned off to fight stress, thereby, allowing the body to return to its natural course of healing and other normal bodily functions. So how to fight stress? Simple tips include meditating or going into the practice of deep breathing. Even soft classical music or enjoying a cup of hot green tea can help you tune out from the frenetic pace of our digital world. But one of the best means to fight stress is to start exercising on a regular basis as the body produces feel-good hormones that combat stress.

Did you know Workwell.sg offers more than 100 types of wellness programmes and Emotional Wellness is one of these classes to empower you with more knowledge? For details on the programmes, pls contact natalie@workwell.sg with the following info and we will contact you within 3 working days.