Myopia – Let’s Have A Clearer View

It’s one thing to be myopic in one’s view but totally another when it comes to one’s vision. If that made you squint, it wasn’t intentional. But the clear-view fact is that myopia is a concern particularly here in Singapore.

Eye-opening, isn’t it?

Insight into Myopia

Also known as “short-sightedness,” myopia is a vision problem that renders a person unable to see things clearly unless they’re close to the eyes.

Young children are found to be more susceptible to the condition but don’t put your (eyewear) glasses down while raising a celebratory one yet. If left untreated, myopia can lead to permanent problems such as blindness.

Myopia And Singapore

As a nation, we are known to be go-getters and achievers but to be herald as the “myopia capital of the world” is not something one would readily list in a résumé, is it? But alas, the fact stands that Singapore is a hot spot for myopia.

Perhaps it is the very same relentless pursuit to excel in everything that we do that inadvertently bestowed the much-chagrined title upon ourselves!

Causes Of Myopia

Let’s take a moment to digest the bad news first – there is no cure for myopia.

Now let’s move onto some of its causes. While this may not make you feel better but at the very least, you’d be able to understand the factors involved. The causes include:

  • Genetics
  • Environmental – This includes having one’s eyes glued to a book or electronic screen for too long and lacking in outdoor activities.
  • Health – Conditions such as diabetes for example.

They may not be exact causes but nonetheless, are risk factors to ponder and where possible, act on. Symptoms-wise, there are few that you should look out for. These include:

  • Headaches
  • Squinting
  • Eye fatigue

A Clear Future

While there is no cure for myopia, there is hope in regards to improving the condition.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses

These are gas permeable contact lenses worn overnight, which gently reshapes the cornea providing a temporary correction.

Refractive surgery

LASIK, a common form of refractive surgery, can help improve vision and reduce (and even eliminate) the need for glasses.

Healthy lifestyle choices

An effective method is to adopt a healthier lifestyle and habits. Peel yourself away from staring at the computer screen for too long. Find something to look at outside of the window, preferably at a distance Engage in simple outdoor activities like going for walks, running and so on.

On the point of healthy lifestyle choices, taking care of yourself should always be a priority. There is no excuse for not doing so even if you’re stuck behind a desk-bound job.

Signing up for our Myopia Seminar is a great first step towards better eye health. The workshop consists of a series of talks by eye experts, giving you much greater detail on Myopia, its causes, and how it can be corrected